Top 10k strings from Advanced Patience (1994)(Tiger's Claw).z80
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2 Zieglergasse 98/9> 2 ARE YOU SURE ? ! 2 A-1070 Wien> 1 rapid fire. (SS=Symbol Shift).> 1 or this sequence...! 1 or a similar one. On the stacksin the mid, where you have to dothe sequences, you can only laya higher card on a lower withthe same sign.> 1 You have now to sort all thecards in the following order:> 1 You have lost this game becauseyou done more than 500 moves,you have a IQ of a Football starForget it...> 1 You can see on the bottom of thescreen a menu line with thefollowing options:> 1 You can only take cards from theten stacks around or from thespare stack.> 1 You can not take cards from allthese mid stacks.> 1 You can not lay a card with adifferent sign (CROSS on HEARTwill not be accepted, it is aillegal move), or value thatdiffers more than one (TWO onFOUR will be illegal too).> 1 You can lay a lower card on ahigher with the same sign on thenormal ten stacks and on thespare stack.> 1 YOU HAVE TOOK * 1 With the following note: pleasesend me the password for theADVANCED PATIENCE, DM 10.- forTiger's Claw is included.> 1 This reminder will stay here forthree minutes! so you have nowenough time to write this adressdown.> 1 This programm is SHAREWARE, andfree of copying charge so if youwant the initial password toskip the reminder, please sendDM 10 to the following address:> 1 This is the first Spectrum gamecontroled by a Amiga or Atari STmouse, but here is still a stickoption, so you did not need tobuy a mouse to play this game.> 1 This is a reminder!!!, you havea unregistred copy of this verygood SHAREWARE programm. If youwant to be registred, pleasesend DM 10.- to the followingaddress:> 1 The stacks can be any length andyou can lay the whole sparestack on a empted place.> 1 The lower cards can be placed onhigher on the ten stacks+spare > 1 The ACE is higher than KING, butit can be lower tan a TWO. 1 Spare stack can be filled with aset of cards (decrasing value)..> 1 SELECT THE SAVE BANK> 1 SELECT THE LOAD BANK> 1 RAMD=Ramdisk, you can save or 1 QUIT=Back to BASIC, in the case, 1 Press mouse button to turn page> 1 Press Mouse button or fire toreturn to the main menu.> 1 PREPARING CARDS, PLEASE WAIT...> 1 PLEASE SELECT OPTION WITH MOUSE! 1 PLEASE INPUT THE PASSWORD:! 1 PLAY THE GAME 1 Now, before I will show you, allpossible and impossible moves,something about the rest of thisprogramm:> 1 New adress: 1 If this way of distribution willbe succesfully, you can awaitmore games, also for the Speccy128 and SAM.> 1 If this is a unregistred copy ofADVANCED PATIENCE ( or if thepassword was wrong), you will beremindered about a registrationby a interruption each fiveminutes.> 1 I hope, you will understand thatand leave you now alone with thecards, have much fun and don'tforget about the SHAREWARE FEE.> 1 I have learned this version ofPatience in the summer holidayfrom my father, but I did notknow it's name, so I will callit Advanced Patience> 1 I have included a UNDO optionso if you have taken already acard, you can click on the linewith options to lay the takencard back on it's stack.> 1 Higher cards can only be placedon lower, on the stacks in mid.> 1 Graphics by Tiger's Claw> 1 DEAL=Back to main menu to read 1 Control menu:> 1 Coding by Tiger's Claw> 1 CONGRATULATIONS, GAME WON !!!> 1 And now to the legal and illegalmoves:> 1 After starting, you will see aset of cards. Four of the samevalue are in the middle,surrounded by 48 cards on tenstacks with four or five cardseach and a spare stack over thefour middle cards.> 1 ADVANCED PATIENCE> 1 ADVANCED PATIENCE TUTOR> 1 ADV. PATIENCE TUTOR! 1 ;"is loading, have patience...": 1 ;"This SHAREWARE Programm wasfinished on 22.Oct.1994 by T.C. " 1 ;"ADVANCED PATIENCE"; 1 7f!6\68!7\6 1 5. Amiga Mouse in Kempston port 6. Amiga Mouse in Sinclair port 7. Atari Mouse in Kempston port 8. Atari Mouse in Sinclair port> 1 4. Sinclair Joystick (67890,SS)> 1 3. Sinclair Joystick (12345,SS)> 1 2. Kempston Joystick, SS=Slow> 1 1. Keyboard QAOPM, SS=Slow> 1 0. Start the game> 1 * Note, If you will use a Mouse,you need a Joystick Interface with +5V on pin 7, this will be also used by Joysticks with> 1 "ADV_PAT.2" 1 "ADV_PAT.1" 1 you have no reset button.> 1 this pages again or start a 1 new game.> 1 load 8 positions of cards, 1 copy, this option is not 1 available.> 1 are empty (you can't load) 1 and red ones are filled. 1 all blue signed positions 1 Pragerstr. 92/11/12 1 If you have a unregistred 1 Copyright 1994 By Tiger's Claw > 1 C R E D I T S> 1 BY TIGER'S CLAW> 1 A-1210 Wien 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! 1 Z X C V B N M ENTER ! 1 Q W E R T Y U I O P ! 1 A S D F G H J K L !